Your contribution funds programs that help transform lives and build our community.


Your contribution will go right to work supporting:
  • Gender-specific harm reduction treatment, education, counseling and job preparation for 200 justice involved women. 
  • Street Outreach, respite and case management for women in prostitution and/or sex trafficking.
  • Reentry services for women at the House of Correction preparing women to be released by addressing barriers to success.
  • Advocacy for cost-effective policies to ensure fair treatment for women involved in the justice system. 

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Stay informed on current activities of the Benedict Center.  Click here to sign up for our email list.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Benedict Center offers many volunteer opportunities including fund development, communications, marketing, special projects, or service on a board committee.
Become a Friend of the Benedict Center! The organization operates solely to serve and support the Benedict Center's programs and provides services and materials which are most urgently and currently needed.

Speakers Bureau
Reach out with your voice! You can schedule presentations for your church or organization on restorative and community justice, current justice issues, the work of the Benedict Center and more. Contact our general email account for more information.